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Curriculums & Class Schedules

4/5-Year-Old Class

3 Days/Week
School Routines; Family, Friends and Self; Feelings and Manners

Colors, Shapes, Numbers, Opposites

Recognizing and Writing First Name

Fall, Fire Safety, Halloween, Germs, Thanksgiving, Christmas

Independence Skills

Christmas Performance



4 Days/Week

Alphabet and themes related to each letter, Rhyming, Concepts of Print 

Winter, Hibernation, Groundhog's Day, Heart and Dental Health, Valentine's Day, Dr. Seuss, Spring, Easter, Earth Day, Farms, Five Senses, Safety, Plants, Insects, etc.

Recognizing and Writing Last Names

Review of Numbers, Shapes, and Colors

Arrival Routine: hanging up coats, writing name, working on a game, craft, or fine motor skill or free play
Circle Timeshow and tell, calendar, introduction of the day's theme or new concept, songs/ finger plays, story time
Activities: games, crafts, writing practice, songs, etc. that are related to the day's theme or concept. These activities vary from day to day depending on our focus skills or themes.
Free Play: Kids gather to play and choose their own activities. We usually join the KinderReady Class for this time.
Snacks and Quiet Time: wash hands, enjoy a snack, and then look at books or "write" in a journal.
Activities: games, crafts, science experiments, songs, etc. that are related to that day's theme or new concept. Varies from day to day.
Ready to Go and Recess: We clean up, pack our backpacks, and go outside to play. 
Pick Up Time


3-Year-Old Class


September: Colors, “I Can…”, Class Rules, Feelings, Friends, Apples


October: Shapes, Signs of Fall, Fire Safety, Nocturnal Animals, Halloween


November: Numbers, Hibernation, Families, Turkeys, What does “Thankful” mean, Thanksgiving


December: Christmas! We do a lot of art projects pertaining to Christmas along with many gross motor games to help release some of the wiggles and channel the excitement this time of year always brings!


January: Alphabet (each day from now until the end of the year we have a letter of the day that we focus on), Arctic and Antarctic Animals, Eskimos and their Families, Germs, Healthy Hearts


February: 5 Senses, Valentine’s Day, Dental Health, Exercise


March: Dr. Seuss, Rhyming, Opposites, St. Patrick’s Day, Volcanoes, Weather


April: Insects, Caterpillars, Butterflies, Rainbows


May: Farm Animals, Volcanoes, Dinosaurs, Summer Safety



9:00-9:15 Gathering Time - Children arrive, put their belongings in their cubbies, and choose an activity to participate in that has been prepared ahead of time.  This allows for a gentle transition into the school day.


9:15-9:30 Circle Time – Take attendance, go over Helpers of the Day, get the weather report, ask the Question of the Day, and do Show and Share.


9:30-9:45 Free Play – Free time!  Children get to play with toys in the free play area.  This is a great time for social development, social interaction, decision-making practice and it is a good way to get a little energy out!


9:45-10:00 Circle Discussion – This is when we dive into the theme/topic of the day!  We read a story, talk about what we will be learning, and engage in a discussion about the topic to determine what we already know about it.


10:00-10:20 Activity #1 – This activity is generally a table time activity and relates to the theme/topic of the day.


10:20-10:45 Snack Time/Quiet Reading Time – Children eat a yummy snack.  When they are finished they enjoy a bit of quiet time looking at a book.


10:45-11:00 Activity #2 – This activity is generally a movement/gross motor activity or game that relates to the theme/topic of the day.


11:00-11:20 Outside Recess – Children ready their backpacks and belongings and we head outside for some fun!

Kinder-Ready Class


My goal as a Kinder-ready teacher is to take those students who miss the cut off for kindergarten and see what great adventures and goals we can set for our class.  We begin the year with the basics of colors, shapes, and numbers.  As we progress through the year we work on writing our first and last names, use zoo phonics with learning the alphabet, introduce some sight words, and even throw in some simple addition and subtraction without the kids even knowing it.  I try to simulate a kindergarten classroom as best as possible.  We work through social skills as well as learning to follow directions and work independently.  I think we have a lot of fun in school, at least I know I do!




8:30 - 8:50:  table time (fine motor skills: play dough, puzzles, lacing , etc..)


8:55 - 9:15:  circle time (weather, calendar, show and tell, talk about our topic of the day)


9:15 - 9:30:  Literacy time  (we read a story, ask questions, directed listening skills)


9:30 - 9:45: recess


9:45 - 10:00:  math


10:00 - 10:20: free time


10:20 - 10:30: clean up and wash up


10:30 -10:45: snack time


10:45 - 10:55: independent reading


10:55 - 11:25:  story time, project time or centers


11:25 - 11:35: clean up and get ready for goodbye recess


11:35 - 12:00:  recess



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